Watch this video to learn how to safely bathe your baby including the supplies you'll need and how to clean their diaper area.
Watch this video to learn how to properly swaddle your baby in a blanket and what precautions to take to keep your baby safe and healthy.
Watch this video to learn common reasons why your baby might cry, including colic, and learn several ways to comfort him.
Watch this video to learn how to properly diaper your newborn including how to care for your child's sensitive diaper area and umbilical cord.
Watch this program to learn about newborn skin conditions including skin rashes, neonatal acne and cradle cap as well as tips on how to take care for your baby's skin.
Watch this program to learn what diaper rash is, how to treat it and when to call the doctor.
Watch this program to learn the importance of oral health for your child. Tips to prevent tooth decay, how to clean your baby's gums and teeth, teething and when your child should visit the dentist.
Watch demonstrations of how to install an infant car seat using both a seat belt and a LATCH system.
Watch this video to learn how to keep your newborn safe in a car seat including how to choose a car seat appropriate for your baby's age and size .
Watch this video to recognize the signs that your child is choking and the proper techniques to help save their life.
When an infant is not breathing, it takes only four minutes without oxygen for brain damage to occur. So, time is critical. This video will show you the signs to watch for and teach you the basic steps of performing CPR on an infant.
Watch this video to understand what to expect about your newborn's sleeping habits and what you can do to help get him or her on a more predictable sleep schedule; and learn how to provide a safe and happy sleeping environment.
Watch this video to learn the ways a partner can help support a new mom and care for their newborn including diapering, cooking, and cleaning.
Watch this video to learn how to properly attach your baby to your breasts, and safely remove them at the end of the feeding or when the latch is incorrect.
Watch this video to learn how breastfeeding protects you and your baby from illnesses and the skin-to-skin contact helps you and your baby bond.
Learn the unique ways that breast milk can impact your child's health and reduce the risks of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), asthma, obesity, and other health conditions.